International Working Group on Taxonomic Databases

Subgroup on Accession Data

World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions.

Plant Taxonomic Database Standards No. 2. Version 1.0.

Table of standard geographical codes for plant distributions to be used in botanical databases. (NOTE: region code "00" and botanical country code "00-CUL" have been added to facilitate the inclusion of "cultivated plants in general" and "plants known only from cultivation", respectively. They do NOT form part of the TDWG standard.)

This standards forms part of the specifications defined for the Global Plant Checklist and the Species Plantarum - Flora of the World projects of the International Organization for Plant Information (IOPI).

The publisher (Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation) as well as the copyright holder (TDWG) have consented to make the standard available in electronic form. Downloads are available in delimited text format (comma, column headers in first line) and MS Access 2.0 format.

For a full explanation and maps please refer to:

Hollis, S. & Brummitt, R. K., World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions. Plant Taxonomic Database Standards No. 2. Version 1.0. Published for the International Working Group on Taxonomic Databases for Plant Sciences (TDWG) by the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh.

Version 2 of the standard is in preparation (TDWG subgroup convened by Sue Hollis & Dick Brummitt,

TDWG | Subgroup on Accession Data

This page last updated 21.03.00. Contact: W. Berendsohn,