IAPT Registration of Plant Names Database
Query for Basionyms or Substituted Synonyms

Algal names and types of the IAPT Registration have been migrated to PhycoBank, the registration system for nomenclatural acts.

Please enter your search criteria below and press "Submit query" to start

Fill in the fields in order to query the database for a registered name. Please do not include author names.
For names, you can use the asterisk (*) in the beginning, middle, and/or at the end as a wild card (e.g. Ab* will find all names starting with Ab, *aa* will find all names containing double a, Ra*us* results in Ranunculus and
Rapanea ligustrina. The input must contain at least two letters.
Higher taxa are cited on various levels, starting your search with an asterisk is thus recommended.

Basionym or substituted synonym
Higher taxon name
Max. number of records 10 50 100 32000 (probably all)

© by International Association for Plant Taxonomy. Page layout and query design last updated March 09, 2006