
CDEFD was a Concerted Action Project funded by the European Commission, DG XII, Biotechnology. Our special acknowledgement is extended to E. Magnien, K. Beese and A. Hoeveler, responsible for the project within the biotechnology programme of the Directoriate General XII of the European Union. We are indebted to Frank Bisby, driving force behind the initiation of the taxonomic section of that programme, and to Werner Greuter, who suggested to apply for funding. Administrative support for Project Co-ordinator was provided by C. Fritz and I. Mischke (project secretariate) as well as by S. Elankovan, T. and K. Hradecny, H. Meyer, and X. Villavicencio (data verification and publication).

Acknowledgements to contributors in meetings: G. Bedini, Pisa; F. Bisby, Southampton; J. Cooper, Egham; E. Feoli, Trieste; P. Ganis, Trieste; D. Green, Albury; J. Greilhuber, Vienna; H. Haeupler, Bochum; H. Hovenkamp, Leiden; H. Kremers, Berlin; J. Lebbe, Paris; W. Loader, Kew; R. May, Bonn; D. Minter, Egham; C. Oberprieler, Berlin; E. Pastor, Seville; D. Phitos, Patras; R. Pankhurst, Edinburgh; G. Rambold, Munich; J. le Renard, Paris; A. Rissone, London; J. Rubio Recio, Seville; K. Siems, Berlin; M. Tretiach, Trieste.

Definitions: Terminology, Data Structure Diagrams, Entity Relation Diagrams
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