X OPTIMA Meeting
Palermo, 13-19 September 2001
Second Circular

General Programme

The X OPTIMA Meeting will take place in Palermo from Thursday 13 to Wednesday 19 September 2001. It will include symposia, round-table conferences and poster sessions. Symposia will consist of invited lectures only, as per attached programme. A mid-term one-day excursion is part of the programme. Its cost, as well as that of the Congress Dinner, is included in the registration fee. Ad-ditional, optional post-Congress excursions offer a choice between three different itineraries.

The official languages of the meeting will be English and French. Italian may be used only during the inaugural meeting on Thursday afternoon, when simultaneous translation into English will be provided.

Congress Venue
The meeting will take place at Palazzo Steri, Piazza Maina 61, in Palermo, where the Rectorate of Palermo University is housed.

The registration office will be situated in Palazzo Steri and will open at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, 13 September. It is strongly advised that you bring along proof of the payments you have effected, so that cases of possible doubt can be resolved.

Scientific Contributions
Each registered participant is entitled to present a single scientific contribution (symposium lecture or poster, as specified on Form A).
Abstracts of scientific contributions will be included in a printed volume, available at the beginning of the meeting, provided that they are received at the congress secretariat before 30 June 2001 and that the registration fee has been paid prior to the same date.
Abstracts may be submitted either by mail or electronically (e-mail: optima2001@tin.it; Secretary of the X OPTIMA Meeting, Via Archirafi 28, I-90123 Palermo, Italy), but those sent by mail must be accompanied by an electronic version on diskette. The abstract must be written in either English or French and is to include, in sequence, the title, authors name(s) and address(es), and a text of no more than 450 words (preferably use MS-Word format).

Slide and overhead projection as well as a beamer will be available.

Posters will be on display during the whole the Meeting. They should preferably be mounted early on 13 September and dismounted before the Closing Plenary Meeting. The panel dimensions are 90 ´ 120 cm (width ´ height). Adequate mounting supplies will be available.
Poster authors are expected to be available for questions, at their poster, during the poster session in the morning of Monday 17 September.

Certificate of Attendance
Official certificates will be available on 17 September at noon to participants who request them be-forehand.

Registration Fees
The deadline for regular registration (use Form A) is 31 May 2001.The full amount of the registra-tion fee must be credited to the meeting's bank account (see below) on or before 31 May 2001. Af-ter that date, the fee increases by 10 %, and in case of on-Congress payment, by 20 %.

Fees Up to 31 May After 31 May
Ordinary members of OPTIMA 450,000 lire (232.41 euro) 495,000 lire (255.651 euro)
Associate members of OPTIMA 500,000 lire (258,23 euro) 550,000 lire (284.053 euro)
Non-members 500,000 lire (258,23 euro) 550,000 lire (284.053 euro)
Accompanying persons 200,000 lire (103.29 euro) 220,000 lire (113.619 euro)
Students 200,000 lire (103.29 euro) 220,000 lire (113.619 euro)

Accommodation (Form B or C)
Two kinds of accommodation will be available. Please make your choice.
1. Hotel accommodation (2nd or 3rd category), including breakfast. Use Form B for booking.
2. Students' lodgings (no breakfast). Use Form C for booking.
As the meeting coincides with the peak of Palermo's tourist season, accommodation requests, with payment for the whole period of stay, must in either case be received before 31 May 2001. The or-ganizers cannot guarantee room availability after that date, even though the Congress Secretariat will endeavour to assist belated participants in finding alternative solutions.

Post-Congress Excursions (Etna or Madonie or Nebrodi)
In order to participate in one of the optional post-Congress excursions return the completed Form D before 31 May 2001. Payment is due on the same date.
For reservations and payments received later participation cannot be guaranteed. On request (speci-fying the appropriate e-mail address or fax) participation will be confirmed by the Secretariat.
Each excursion will last two days (Thursday 20 and Friday 21 September 2001). The cost given below shall include transportation, one hotel overnight (of 20 September; half board), and two packed lunches.
Accommodation for subsequent overnight accommodation in Palermo must be booked either sepa-rately, preferably using Form B (no student accommodation is available after the Congress proper).
Detailed information on each excursion, including guide booklets, will be available at the registra-tion desk. Please look up the Herbarium Mediterraneum Web site (http://www.unipa.it/herbmed) for possible advance information.

Excursion Cost (per person):
Single room Double room
Etna 200,000 lire 180,000 lire
Madonie 180,000 lire 160,000 lire
Nebrodi 180,000 lire 150,000 lire

Payments for registration fees (see Form A), accommodation in students' lodgings (see form C) and post-Congress excursions (see form D) are to be made to "Comitato Organizzatore X Con-gresso OPTIMA", specifying your full name, at:
Banco di Sicilia, Agenzia 49, Piazza Cassa di Risparmio, 4. I-90133 Palermo,. Italia.
[Bank and account codes (international):] IT31 N010 2004 6630 00410174792.
[Bank and account codes (within Italy):] N01020 04663 000410174792.
Any bank charges must be covered by participants.
Payments for hotel accommodation (see Form B) are to be made to "Carbone Congressi", Via Canonico Rotolo 1, I-90143 Palermo, at:
Banca di Roma, Agenzia 8, Via Libertà, Palermo, Italia.
[Bank account number:] 1038/37 abi 3002 cab 04606.

Congress Proceedings
Scientific contributions presented at the meeting will, subject to previous peer review, be included in a proceedings' volume to be published in the serial "Bocconea". Authors are urged to deliver the full text of their contribution to the Congress Secretariat prior to the end of the meeting. Texts (in either French or English) are to be submitted on both paper and electronic support and must con-form to the editorial requirements of "Bocconea", as specified inside the cover of the latest issue.
Texts (including figures) corresponding to symposium lectures may not exceed 12 printed pages, and those related to poster presentations must be confined to 6 printed pages.
Participants will have the opportunity to subscribe to the proceedings' volume during the Congress at a special, reduced rate.

Travelling to Palermo
Palermo can be easily reached by air. It is linked by direct flights with Rome, Milano and several other Italian airports. A regular coach service links the airport with the city centre (present cost 9500 lire). A taxi ride will cost about 70,000 lire.

Travelling Documents
Participant from outside the European Union and the E.E.A. should make sure that they meet all possible requirements concerning travelling documents, including visa when applicable.

· 31 May 2001: Registration (Form A),
Payment of regular registration fee,
Accommodation booking (Form B or C),
Hotel payment,
Registration and payment for post-Congress excursions (Form D).

30 June 2001: Submission of abstracts.
Form A

Form A - Registration

Participants are kindly requested to fill in this Form and return it, together with a copy of their remittance order, to: "Segreteria organizzativa del X OPTIMA Meeting", Via Archirafi 38, I-90123 Palermo, Italy (fax: +39 091 6230204), no later than 31 May 2001.
Payment of the appropriate registration fee(s) is due by the same date (or, if made later, the rate increases by 10 %) to: the "Comitato Organizzatore X Congresso OPTIMA", specifying your full name, at:
Banco di Sicilia, Agenzia 49, Piazza Cassa di Risparmio, 4. I-90133 Palermo, Italia.
[Bank and account codes (international):] IT31 N010 2004 6630 00410174792.
[Bank and account codes (within Italy):] N01020 04663 000410174792.
Any bank charges must be covered by participants.
No confirmation of receipt will be sent unless the appropriate e-mail address or fax number is specified below.


Phone and fax:

Fee category (tick as appropriate):
Ordinary member of OPTIMA ? Non-member or associate member of OPTIMA ? Student ?

I will be accompanied by ..... persons, as follows: ...........................

Fees Up to 31 May After 31 May
Ordinary members of OPTIMA 450,000 lire (232.41 euro) 495,000 lire (255.651 euro)
Associate members of OPTIMA 500,000 lire (258.23 euro) 550,000 lire (284.053 euro)
Non-members 500,000 lire (258.23 euro) 550,000 lire (284.053 euro)
Accompanying persons 200,000 lire (103.29 euro) 220,000 lire (113.619 euro)
Students 200,000 lire (103.29 euro) 220,000 lire (113.619 euro)

Scientific contribution (tick as appropriate; note the deadline for abstract receipt, 30 June 2001):

? I have been invited to present a lecture at Symposium No .................
? I intend to present a poster with the following title: ........................................................
? I do not intend to present a scientific contribution.
Form B

Form B - Hotel Reservation
(through the Agency "Carbone Congressi")

Participants who wish to book a 2nd or 3rd category hotel room are kindly requested to fill in this Form and return it, to-gether with a copy of their remittance order, to the agency "Carbone Congressi", Via Canonico Rotolo 1, I-90143 Palermo (phone: +39 091 321272; fax: +39 091 321782) no later than 31 May 2001.
Advance payment must be made for the whole booking period (use the low figure of the range rate quoted below for your preferred hotel category; possible differences will be balanced upon check-in at the hotel). All payments are to be made to "Carbone Congressi", Via Canonico Rotolo 1, I-90143 Palermo, specifying your full name, at:
Banca di Roma, Agenzia 8, Via Libertà, Palermo, Italia.
[Bank account number:] 1038/37 abi 3002 cab 04606.
The Agency will confirm your booking by sending a voucher with hotel details.
Since room availability during the Meeting period is limited, it is possible that a change must be made with respect to your preferred hotel category. Bookings will be processed on a "first come, first served" basis.


Phone and fax:

Sex (check one): Male ? Female ?

Check your preferred choice of hotel category (prices are per-day rates and include breakfast and taxes):

Hotel Single Room Double Room (one person) Double Room (2 persons)
2nd category (super) ? 185,000-220,000 lire ? 150,000-170,000 lire ? 300,000-340,000 lire
2nd category ? 145,000-160,000 lire ? 110,000-140,000 lire ? 220,000-280,000 lire
3rd category (super) ? 100,000-140,000 lire ? 75,000-100,000 lire ? 150,000-200,000 lire
3rd category ? 65,000-95,000 lire ? 50,000-70,000 lire ? 100,000-140,000 lire

Single room ? Double room ?

I will be accompanied by: ........................................... (payment being included for both/all)

I am willing to share my room with another participant [preferably with: ..........................].

Nights: 13 Sep ?, 14 Sep ?, 15 Sep ?, 16 Sep ?, 17 Sep ?, 18 Sep ?, 19 Sep ?, 22 Sep ?,
others: ……………………………….

Any cancellation must be made in writing, prior to 31 July. Up to that date, a refund rate of 70 % will apply. After that date, no refund is possible.

Form C - Students' Lodging Reservation
(through the Meeting Secretariat)

Participants who prefer cheap accommodation, e.g. in a students' residence, are kindly requested to fill in this Form and return it, together with a copy of their remittance order, to: "Segreteria organizzativa del X OPTIMA Meeting", Via Archirafi 38, I-90123 Palermo, Italy (fax: +39 091 6230204; e-mail : optima2001@tin.it), no later than 31 May 2001.

The rate is 30,000 lire per overnight, per person; breakfast is not included.

Advance payment must be made for the whole booking period. All payments are to be made to: "Comitato Organizza-tore X Congresso OPTIMA", specifying your full name, at:
Banco di Sicilia, Agenzia 49, Piazza Cassa di Risparmio, 4. I-90133 Palermo,. Italia.
[Bank and account codes (international):] IT31 N010 2004 6630 00410174792.
[Bank and account codes (within Italy):] N01020 04663 000410174792.
Any bank charges must be covered by participants.
Bookings will be processed on a "first come, first served" basis. The Congress Secretariat will confirm your reservation.


Phone and fax:

Sex (check one): Male ? Female ?

I will be accompanied by: ............................. (payment being included for both/all)

I am willing to share my room with another participant [preferably with: ....................................................].

Nights: 13 Sep ?, 14 Sep ?, 15 Sep ?, 16 Sep ?, 17 Sep ?, 18 Sep ?, 19 Sep ?.


Form D - Post-Congress Excursion Registration

Participants who wish to take part in a Post-Congress excursion are kindly requested to fill in this Form and return it, preferably by fax (+39 091 6230204), to: "Segreteria organizzativa del X OPTIMA Meeting", Via Archirafi 28, I-90123 Palermo, Italy, together with a copy of their remittance order, no later than 31 May 2001.

Advance payment must be made to: "Comitato Organizzatore X Congresso OPTIMA", specifying your full name, at:
Banco di Sicilia, Agenzia 49, Piazza Cassa di Risparmio, 4. I-90133 Palermo,. Italia.
[Bank and account codes (international):] IT31 N010 2004 6630 00410174792.
[Bank and account codes (within Italy):] N01020 04663 000410174792.
Any bank charges must be covered by participants.
For reservations and payments received after 31 May 2001 participation cannot be guaranteed. On request (specifying the appropriate e-mail address or fax number) registration will be confirmed by the Secretariat.


Phone and fax:

I wish to take part in the following post-Meeting excursion (tick one):
Mt. Etna ? Madonie Mts. ? Nebrodi Mts?
Rooming preference (tick one): Single room ? Double room ?

Cost: Single room Double room
Etna 200,000 lire 180,000 lire
Madonie 180,000 lire 160,000 lire
Nebrodi 180,000 lire 150,000 lire

I will be accompanied by: ................................................. (payment being included for both)

I am willing to share my room with another participant [preferably with: .................................................................].

Excursions will start on Thursday 20 and end on Friday 21 September 2001.
