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Willdenowia 36 – Article36156

Willdenowia – Annals of the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem
ISSN 0511-9618
© 2006 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem.

Ibáñez, N., Montserrat, J. M. & Soriano, I.: Collections from the Royal Spanish Expeditions to Latin America in the Institut Botànic de Barcelona (BC), Spain.
Willdenowia 36 (Special Issue): 595-599.

The collections from the Royal Spanish Expeditions to Latin America conserved in the Institut Botànic de Barcelona, comprising 695 specimens, illustrate the changing fortunes in the study of the flora of tropical America by Spanish botanists and their herbarium material. We present data on the collectors, the collection localities and the expeditions, and as electronic supplement, a list of all specimens with collecting data and the determinations on the sheets.

Key words:
history of botany,herbarium specimens, Ruiz & Pavón Expedition, Sessé & Mociño Expedition, Malaspina Expedition.

Full text PDF (56 KB) | Electronic supplement: Checklist the specimens of the Royal Spanish Expeditions to Latin America preserved at BC