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Willdenowia 31 - reviewers

Reviewers of manuscripts submitted for publication during 2000

The Editorial Council and Editor of "Willdenowia" are most grateful to the reviewers listed below for their willing cooperation. It is greatly appreciated that they have generously invested their time and competence in providing valuable comments and advice, for the benefit of the authors, editorial staff and readers of "Willdenowia".

Anchev, M., Sofia, Bulgaria

Aptroot, A., Baarn, Netherlands

Authier, P., Paris, France

Badre, F., Paris, France

Bäßler, M., Berlin, Germany

Baltisberger, M., Zürich, Switzerland

Bigazzi, M., Firenze, Italy

Böhling, N., Kirchheim/T., Germany

Boulos, L., Cairo, Egypt

Bräutigam, S., Görlitz, Germany

Buttler, K. P., Frankfurt a. M., Germany

Chaudhary, S., Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Chrtek Jr., J., Prôhonice, Czech Republic

Clayton, W. D., Kew, U.K.

Cope, T. A., Kew, U.K.

Cristofolini, G., Bologna, Italy

Eggli, U., Zürich, Switzerland

Farille, M. A., Samoens, France

Freitag, H., Kassel, Germany

Garbari, F., Pisa, Italy

Gottschlich, G., Tübingen, Germany

Hedge, I. C., Edinburgh, U.K.

Helversen, O. von, Erlangen, Germany

Jacquemoud, F., Genève, Switzerland

Jury, S. L., Reading, U.K.

Lumbsch, Th., Essen, Germany

Manitz, H., Jena, Germany

Nicolson, D. H., Washington D.C., U.S.A.

Oberprieler, Ch., Halle, Germany

Parolly, G., Berlin, Germany

Pimenov, M. G., Moscow, Russia

Plitman, U., Jerusalem, Israel

Raus, Th., Berlin, Germany

Renner, S., St Louis, U.S.A.

Robinson, H., Washington D.C., U.S.A.

Roon, A. C. de, Bunnik, Netherlands

Seaward, M. R. D., Bradford, U.K.

Schuhwerk, F., München, Germany

Sipman, H., Berlin, Germany

Strid, A., Copenhagen, Denmark

Tan, Kit, Copenhagen, Denmark

Taylor, N., Kew, U.K.

Wagenitz, G., Göttingen, Germany

Watson, M., Edinburgh, U.K.

Viegi, L., Pisa, Italy

Zanoni, Th. A., New York, U.S.A.