Annals of the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem
Published by the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin
Freie Universität Berlin
Open-access online edition
ISSN 0511-9618 (print)
ISSN 1868-6397 (online)
Impact Factor (2014): 0.721
Willdenowia is an international peer-reviewed journal publishing original research papers in English from the entire fields of plant, algal and fungal systematics, covering the evolution, taxonomy and nomenclature of these organisms as well as related fields such as floristics and plant geography. Papers on phylogeny and molecular systematics are especially welcome, as are review papers. Descriptions of new taxa are considered, but preference is given to those supported by molecular evidence. Authors are encouraged to deposit vouchers of their material, especially nomenclatural types, at the Berlin herbarium (B).
Three issues appear each year, in April, August and December, in an open-access online edition and a print edition. Individual papers are normally published first in an issue in progress in the online edition, i.e. as the final version (the version of record), with final pagination, ahead of inclusion in the April, August or December issues. No open-access fees are payable by authors. The length of articles is not limited.
Willdenowia is indexed by: Biological Abstracts; BIOSIS Previews; CAB International; Current Contents – Agriculture, Biology, and Environmental Sciences; EBSCO Discovery Service; Google Scholar; Journal Citation Reports (JCR) – Science Edition; Phytomed-Select; Primo (Ex Libris); Readcube; Science Citation Index Expanded (also known as SciSearch); Scopus (Elsevier); Summon Service (ProQuest); Suweco (Naviga); WorldCat Discovery Services (OCLC).
Subscription price per year (print edition, excluding postage): EUR 150,00
Electronic access to the back issues of Willdenowia (print edition) and its precursors, with a moving wall of three years, is provided by JSTOR. Access requires a subscription to the "Botany & Plant Sciences collection" of the JSTOR archive. |
Willdenowia volumes 26-38 (on BGBM server) |
Willdenowia volumes 1-25 (cumulative index) |
The precursor of Willdenowia was founded in 1895 as Notizblatt des Königlichen Botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin to publish information about the institution's collections and activities, and research contributions from its staff and associated botanists. In 1919 renamed as Notizblatt des Botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem it was discontinued in 1944, after the fatal destruction of much of the institution's collections and facilities in World War II. In 1953 it was revived, initially as Mitteilungen aus dem botanischen Garten und Museum Berlin-Dahlem, and continued with its present title commemorating Carl Ludwig Willdenow (1765-1812), director of the Botanic Garden and first professor of botany in Berlin.