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Willdenowia 36 – Article36151

Willdenowia – Annals of the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem
ISSN 0511-9618
© 2006 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem.

Seaward, M. R. D. & Sipman, H. J. M.: An updated checklist of lichenized and lichenicolous fungi for Egypt.
Willdenowia 36 (Special Issue): 537-555.

A revised lichen checklist for Egypt, the first to be published since 1901, is presented. It is based on a detailed literature survey supported by a limited study of herbarium material. The list includes 163 taxa of lichenized and lichenicolous fungi, six of which are newly recorded for the country. Synonymic interpretation, a short historical background and a comprehensive bibliography are also provided. The total lichen flora of Egypt is estimated to comprise no more than 250 species with a remarkably poor representation of many common groups, such as Parmeliaceae.

Key words:
lichen biodiversity, archaeology, ethnobotany, Mediterranean flora.

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