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Willdenowia 26 - reviewers

Reviewers of manuscripts submitted for publication during 1995

The Editorial Council and Editor of "Willdenowia" are most grateful to the reviewers listed below for their willing cooperation. It is greatly appreciated that they have generously invested their time and competence in providing valuable comments and advice, for the benefit of the authors, editorial staff and readers of "Willdenowia".

Brochmann, Ch., Oslo, Norway
Butzin, F., Berlin, Germany
Chamberlain, Y., Portsmouth, U.K.
Eggli, U., Zürich, Switzerland
Garbari, F., Pisa, Italy
Goetghebeur, P., Gent, Belgique
Gutermann, W., Wien, Austria
Kamari, G., Patras, Greece
Kerguélen, M., Paris, France
Lobin, W., Bonn, Germany
Lumbsch, H. Th., Essen, Germany
Mayer, E., Ljubljana, Slovenia
Melzheimer, V., Marburg, Germany
Mory, B., Berlin, Germany
Nyffeler, R., Zürich, Switzerland
Oberprieler, Ch., Berlin, Germany
Podobnik, A., Ljubljana, Slovenia
Raus, Th., Berlin, Germany
Salomon, B., Svalöv, Sweden
Schirarend, C., Berlin, Germany
Scholz, H., Berlin, Germany
Senghas, K., Heidelberg, Germany
Simpson, D., Kew, U.K.
Sipmann, H., Berlin, Germany
Sunding, P., Oslo, Norway
Wagenitz, G., Göttingen, Germany