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Nicholas Turland

BGBM Press, Graphics, Setting
Head, Publishing and Graphics
Nicholas Turland
+49 (0)30 838 50137
Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin
Freie Universität Berlin
Königin-Luise-Straße 6–8


Editor of Willdenowia

Editor of Englera

Rapporteur-général, Nomenclature Section, XIX, XX & XXI International Botanical Congress, 2017, 2024 & 2029 (elected 2011, 2017 & 2024)


Research Associate, The Natural History Museum, London, 1991-1993; Higher Scientific Officer, Department of Botany, The Natural History Museum, London, 1994-1997 (Linnaean Plant Name Typification Project); Assistant Curator, Missouri Botanical Garden, 1997-2007 (Flora of China Project); Associate Curator, Missouri Botanical Garden, 2007-2012 (Co-Director, Flora of China Project); scientist at BGBM Berlin since 2013.


  • Plant systematics, biogeography, and conservation in the Mediterranean region, especially Greece
  • Biological nomenclature


  • The Code Decoded. A user’s guide to the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants. Second edition. Published on 17 July 2019 by Pensoft Publishers.

Beteiligungen an Kooperationsprojekten

Ehrungen und Preise

Foundation Medal of the University of Crete (Rethymno, Crete, Greece), for contributions in recording the flora of Crete since 1984 (awarded 2010)



Mandate in wissenschaftlichen Gremien und Komitees

Rapporteur-général, Bureau of Nomenclature, International Botanical Congress (elected 2011, 2017 & 2024)
Chair, Editorial Committee of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (elected Member 1999, elected Secretary 2005 & 2011, elected Chair 2017 & 2024)
Member, General Nomenclature Committee (elected 2011, 2017 & 2024)
Chair, Committee on Institutional Votes (elected 2017 & 2024)
Member, International Committee on Bionomenclature (since 2011)
Council Member, International Organization for Systematic and Evolutionary Biology (IOSEB) (since 2011)
Member, Scientific Committee, Flora of Greece Project (since 2017)
Member, Editorial Committee of Candollea (since 2016)

Mitgliedschaft in wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften

Member, International Association for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT) (since 1996)
Member, Organization for the Phytotaxonomic Investigation of the Mediterranean Area (OPTIMA) (since 1989)
Member, Hellenic Botanical Society (since 2009)

Papers in peer reviewed journals (published and in press)

  • Turland N. J., Álvarez I., Knapp S., Monro A. M. & Wiersema J. H. 2024: XX International Botanical Congress, Madrid 2024: Report of Congress action on nomenclature proposals. Taxon 73: 1308–1323.
  • Head M. J., Gravendyck J., Herendeen P. S. & Turland N. J. 2024: Dual nomenclature to be supported explicitly in the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants. – Palynology
  • Turland N. J., Kempa M., Knapp S., Kráľovičová E. & Wiersema J. H. 2024: Results of the preliminary guiding vote (“mail vote”) on proposals to amend the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants submitted to the XX International Botanical Congress, Madrid 2024. – Taxon 73: 1096–1109;
  • Álvarez I., Knapp S. & Turland N. J. on behalf of the Bureau of Nomenclature, XX IBC 2024: Nomenclature Section news! – Taxon 73: 931–931.
  • Turland N. J. & Wiersema J. 2024: Synopsis of Proposals on Nomenclature – Madrid 2024: A review of the proposals to amend the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants submitted to the XX International Botanical Congress. – Taxon 73: 325–404;
  • Ulloa Ulloa C., Turland N. J., Freire-Fierro A., Ge B.-J., Milne J., Muasya A. M., Proćków J. & Iturriaga T. 2024: Institutional Votes at the XX International Botanical Congress, Madrid, 2024: Report of the Committee on Institutional Votes. – Taxon 73: 317–324;
  • Knapp S., Álvarez I., Monro A., Prado J., Turland N. J. & Wiersema J. 2024: Livestreaming the Nomenclature Section at the XX International Botanical Congress in Madrid, 15–19 July 2024. – Taxon 73: 413–414;
  • Turland N. J. & Wiersema J. H. 2023: (426–433) Miscellaneous proposals to amend the Shenzhen Code. – Taxon 72: 1186–1188;
  • May T. W., Bensch K., Hawksworth D. L., Lendemer J., Redhead S. A. & Turland N. J. 2023: (290–295) Proposals to amend Division III to create an “Editorial Committee for Fungi” and to shift the timing of appointment of the Deputy Secretary of the Fungal Nomenclature Bureau. – Taxon 72: 704–705;
  • Ulloa Ulloa C., Turland N. J., Freire-Fierro A., Ge B.-J., Milne J., Muasya A. M, Proćków J. & Iturriaga T. 2023: (286–289) Proposals on institutional votes, especially to reduce geographical imbalance. – Taxon 72: 701–703;
  • Turland N. J. 2023: (285) Proposal to streamline proposals to amend the Code that concern only non-voted Examples or the Glossary. – Taxon 72: 700;
  • Turland N. J. & Wiersema J. H. 2022: (176) Proposal to protect the places of publication of family names listed in Appendix IIB. – Taxon 71: 1332–1333;
  • Palimetakis G. & Turland N. J. 2022: Epilobium dodonaei Vill. – Pp. 286–287 in: Raab-Straube E. von & Raus Th. (ed.), Euro+Med-Checklist Notulae, 15. – Willdenowia 52: 273–299;
  • Turland N. J. 2022: Viola kitaibeliana Schult. – P. 291 in: Raab-Straube E. von & Raus Th. (ed.), Euro+Med-Checklist Notulae, 15. – Willdenowia 52: 273–299;
  • Palimetakis G., Turland N. J. & Samaritakis F. 2022: Viola phitosiana Erben. – Pp. 291–292 in: Raab-Straube E. von & Raus Th. (ed.), Euro+Med-Checklist Notulae, 15. – Willdenowia 52: 273–299;
  • McNeill J., Turland N. J., Wiersema J. H., Barrie F. R. & Greuter W. 2022: (136–137) Proposals to clarify the definition of “illustration”. – Taxon 71: 703.
  • Gravendyck J., Fensome R. A., Head M. J., Herendeen P. S., Riding J. B. & Turland N. J. 2022: (142–148) Proposals to improve the definition, utility, and curation of (type) specimens of fossil algae, fungi, and plants. – Taxon 71: 705–706.
  • Prado J., Turland N. J. & McNeill J. 2022: (154) Proposal to clarify the meaning of “based on” in Article 14.4. – Taxon 71: 709.
  • Prado J., Turland N. J. & McNeill J. 2022: (159) Proposal to add a new Note and Example in Article 30 concerning retracted electronic publications. – Taxon 71: 711.
  • Turland N. J. & Bienvenu J. 2021: Sedum dasyph
  • yllum L. subsp. dasyphyllum. – Pp. 358–359 in: Raab-Straube E. von & Raus Th. (ed.), Euro+Med-Checklist Notulae, 14. – Willdenowia 51: 355–369.
  • Gravendyck J., Fensome R.A., Head M.J., Herendeen P.S., Riding J.B., Bachelier J.B. & Turland N.J. 2021: Taxonomy and nomenclature in palaeopalynology: basic principles, current challenges and future perspectives. – Palynology 45: 717–743.
  • Wiersema J.H., Prado J. & Turland N.J. 2021: (081–082) Proposals to allow the use of a hyphen to be treated as a correctable error in all nothogeneric names that are condensed formulas. – Taxon 70: 459.
  • Knapp S., Vorontsova M.S. & Turland N.J. 2020: Indigenous species names in algae, fungi and plants: a comment on Gillman & Wright (2020). – Taxon 69: 1409–1410.
  • Turland N.J., Wiersema J.H. & McNeill J. 2020: (018–020) Proposals for a clearer and more concise Article 40 and to resolve conflict between Art. 40.6 and Art. 9.10 – Taxon 69: 633–635.
  • Turland N.J., Wiersema J.H. & McNeill J. 2020: (007–008) Proposals to make clearer the circumstances under which a holotype can exist. – Taxon 69: 626–627.
  • Lindon H.L., Hartley H., Knapp S., Monro A.M. & Turland N.J. 2020: XIX International Botanical Congress, Shenzhen: report of the Nomenclature Section, 17th to 21st July 2017. – PhytoKeys 150: 1–276.
  • Turland N.J. & Wiersema J.H. 2020: Procedures and timetable for proposals to amend the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants. – Taxon 68: 1372–1373.
  • May T.W., Redhead S.A., Bensch K., Hawksworth D.L., Lendemer J., Lombard L. & Turland N.J. 2019: Chapter F of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants as approved by the 11th International Mycological Congress, San Juan, Puerto Rico, July 2018. – IMA Fungus 10: 21 [1-14].
  • Menteli V., Krigas N., Avramakis M., Turland N. & Vokou D. 2019: Endemic plants of Crete in electronic trade and wildlife tourism: current patterns and implications for conservation. – J. Biol. Res.-Thessalon. 26:10 [1–14].
  • Turland N.J. 2018: Preparing the new Shenzhen Code. – Taxon 67: 463–464.
  • Knapp S., Turland N.J. & Zhang L. 2017: Shenzhen Nomenclature Section. – Taxon 66: 1260–1261.
  • Turland N.J., Wiersema J.H., Monro A.M., Deng Y.-F. & Zhang L. 2017: XIX International Botanical Congress: Report of Congress action on nomenclature proposals. – Taxon 66: 1234–1245.
  • Turland N.J., Kempa M., Knapp S., Senková E. & Wiersema J.H. 2017: XIX International Botanical Congress: Preliminary guiding mail vote on nomenclature proposals. – Taxon 66: 995–1000.
  • Wiersema J.H., May T.W. & Turland N.J. 2017: Report on corrections and future considerations for Appendices II–VIII of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants. – Taxon 66: 772–775.
  • Turland N.J. & Wiersema J.H. 2017: Synopsis of Proposals on Nomenclature – Shenzhen 2017: A review of the proposals concerning the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants submitted to the XIX International Botanical Congress. – Taxon 66: 217–274.
  • Funk V.A. & Turland N.J. 2016: Institutional Votes at the XIX International Botanical Congress, Shenzhen, 2017: Report of the Special Committee on Institutional Votes. – Taxon 65: 1449–1454.
  • Greuter W. Turland N.J. & Wiersema J.H. 2016: (321) A proposal relating to infraspecific names (Article 24). – Taxon 65: 905–906.
  • Greuter W., Wiersema J.H. & Turland N.J. 2016: (334–336) Proposals relating to the valid publication of new combinations, names at new rank, and replacement names (Article 41). – Taxon 65: 911–912.
  • Knapp S., Turland N.J., Barkworth M. E., Barrie F. R., Fortunato R. H., Gandhi K., Gereau R. E., Greuter W., Herendeen P. S., Landrum L. R., Mabberley D. J., Marhold K., May T. W., Moore G., Rico Arce L., Smith G. F., Thiele K. & Zhang L. 2016: Report of the Special Committee on By-laws for the Nomenclature Section. – Taxon 65: 665–669.
  • Knapp S., Turland N.J., Barkworth M. E., Barrie F. R., Fortunato R. H., Gandhi K., Gereau R. E., Greuter W., Herendeen P. S., Landrum L. R., Mabberley D. J., Marhold K., May T. W., Moore G., Rico Arce L., Smith G. F., Thiele K. & Zhang L. 2016: (286) Proposal to replace Division III of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants. – Taxon 65: 661–664.
  • Turland N.J. & Knapp S. 2016: (264–271) Proposals to refine Articles 29–31 with regard to effective publication of electronic material. – Taxon 65: 653–654.
  • Wiersema J. H., McNeill J., Turland N.J., Orli S. S. & Wagner W. L. 2015: The foundation of the Melbourne Code Appendices: Announcing a new paradigm for tracking nomenclatural decisions. – Taxon 64: 1021–1027.
  • Bareka P., Kamari G., Turland N.J. & Phitos D. 2015: Karyomorphological study of some Cretan archeophytes. – Flora Mediterranea 25(Special Issue): 127–141.
  • Bareka P., Turland N.J. & Kamari G. 2015: Bellevalia juliana (Asparagaceae), a new hexaploid species from E Kriti (Greece). – Pl. Biosystems 149: 703–709.
  • Villar J.L., Turland N.J., Juan A., Gaskin J.F., Alonso M.A. & Crespo M.B. 2015: Tamarix minoa (Tamaricaceae), a new species from the island of Crete (Greece) based on morphological and plastid molecular sequence data. – Willdenowia 45: 161–172.
  • Flann C., McNeill J., Barrie F.R., Nicolson D.H., Hawksworth D.L.,Turland N.J. & Monro A.M. 2015: Report on botanical nomenclature—Vienna 2005. XVII International Botanical Congress, Vienna: Nomenclature Section, 12–16 July 2005. – PhytoKeys 45: 1–341.
  • Redhead S.A., Demoulin V., Hawksworth D.L. & Seifert K.A. & Turland N.J. 2014: Fungal Nomenclature at IMC10: Report of the Nomenclature Sessions. – IMA Fungus 5: 449–462.
  • Flann C., Turland N.J. & Monro A.M. 2014: Report on botanical nomenclature—Melbourne 2011. XVIII International Botanical Congress, Melbourne: Nomenclature Section, 18–22 July 2011. – PhytoKeys 41: 1–289.
  • Victor J.E., Smith G.F., Turland N.J., Roux M. le, Paton A., Figueiredo E., Crouch N.R., Wyk A.E. van, Filer D. & Wyk E. van 2013: Creating an Online World Flora by 2020: a perspective from South Africa. – Biodivers. & Conservation 23: 251–263.
  • Agababian M., Agosti D., Alford M.H., Crespo A., Crisci J.V., Dorr L.J., Ferencová Z., Frodin D., Geltman D.V., Kilian N., Linder H.P., Lohmann L.G., Oberprieler C., Penev L., Smith G.F., Thomas W., Tulig M., Turland N. & Zhang X.-C. (authors); Marhold K. & Stuessy T. (ed.) 2013: The Future of Botanical Monography: Report from an international workshop, 12–16 March 2012, Smolenice, Slovak Republic. – Taxon 62: 4–20.
  • David J., Garrity G.M., Greuter W., Hawksworth D.L., Jahn R., Kirk P.M., McNeill J., Michel E., Knapp S., Patterson D.J., Tindall B.J., Todd J.A., Tol J. van & Turland N.J. 2012: Biological nomenclature terms for facilitating communication in the naming of organisms. – ZooKeys 192: 67–72.
  • Phitos D., Turland N. & Bergmeier E. 2011: A new subspecies of Bolanthus creutzburgii (Caryophyllaceae) from coastal SW Kriti (Greece). – Fl. Medit. 21: 317–323.
  • Bergmeier E., Blockeel T., Böhling N., Fournaraki C., Gotsiou P., Lansdown R. & Turland N. 2011: An inventory of the vascular plants and bryophytes of Gavdopoula island (S Aegean, Greece) and its phytogeographical significance. – Willdenowia 41: 179–190.
  • Turland, N.J. 2008. Anthemis samariensis (AsteraceaeAnthemideae), a new species from the mountains of W Kriti (Greece). Willdenowia 38: 61–69. also electronic supplement
  • Turland N.J. 2006. Lectotypification of Campanula saxatilis, Phyteuma pinnatum and Verbascum arcturus, Linnaean names of three taxa endemic to Crete. Willdenowia 36: 303–309.
  • Turland N.J. & Xia N.H. 2005: A new combination in Chinese Aesculus (Hippocastanaceae). – Novon 15: 488–489.
  • Turland N.J., Phitos D., Kamari G. & Bareka P. 2004: Weeds of the traditional agriculture of Crete. – Willdenowia 34: 381–406. also database download
  • Turland N.J. 2004: (1647) Proposal to conserve the name Chrysanthemum coronarium (Compositae) with a conserved type. – Taxon 53: 1072–1074.
  • Turland N.J. & Chilton L. 2000: A revision of Centaurea argentea (Compositae, Cardueae), an endemic species of Kriti and Kithira (Greece). Bot. Chron. (Patras) 13: 71–79.
  • Cafferty S., Jarvis C.E. & Turland N.J. (ed.) 2000: Typification of Linnaean plant names in the Poaceae (Gramineae). Taxon 49: 239–260.
  • Jarvis C.E. & Turland N.J. (ed.) 1998: Typification of Linnaean specific and varietal names in the Compositae (Asteraceae). Taxon 47: 347–370.
  • Turland N.J. & Jarvis C.E. (ed.) 1997: Typification of Linnaean specific and varietal names in the Leguminosae (Fabaceae). Taxon 46: 457–485.
  • Turland N.J. 1995: Linnaeus’s interpretation of Prospero Alpino’s De plantis exoticis with special emphasis on the flora of Crete. Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. London, Bot. 25: 127–159.
  • Turland N.J. 1992: Studies on the Cretan flora 2. The Dianthus juniperinus complex (Caryophyllaceae). Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), Bot. 22: 165–169.

Book chapters and monographs (published and in press)

  • Turland N.J. 2019: The Code Decoded. A user’s guide to the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants. Second edition. – Sofia: Pensoft Publishers.
  • Turland N.J., Wiersema J.H., Barrie F.R., Greuter W., Hawksworth D.L., Herendeen P.S., Knapp S., Kusber W.-H., Li D.-Z., Marhold K., May T.W., McNeill J., Monro A.M., Prado J., Price M.J. & Smith G.F. (ed.) 2018: International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code) adopted by the Nineteenth International Botanical Congress Shenzhen, China, July 2017. – Glashütten: Koeltz Botanical Books. [Regnum Veg. 159.]
  • Wiersema J.H., McNeill J., Turland N.J., Barrie F.R., Buck W.R., Demoulin V., Greuter W., Hawksworth D.L., Herendeen P.S., Knapp S., Marhold K., Prado J., Prud’homme van Reine W.F. & Smith G.F. (ed.) 2015: International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Melbourne Code) adopted by the Eighteenth International Botanical Congress Melbourne, Australia, July 2011. Appendices II–VIII. – Königstein: Koeltz Scientific Books. [Regnum Veg. 157.]
  • Turland N.J. 2013: The Code Decoded. A user’s guide to the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants. – Königstein: Koeltz Scientific Books. [Regnum Veg. 155.]
  • McNeill J., Barrie F.R., Buck W.R., Demoulin V., Greuter W., Hawksworth D.L., Herendeen P.S., Knapp S., Marhold K., Prado J., Prud’homme van Reine W.F., Smith G.F., Wiersema J.H. & Turland N.J. (ed.) 2012: International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Melbourne Code): Adopted by the Eighteenth International Botanical Congress Melbourne, Australia, July 2011. – Königstein: Koeltz Scientific Books. [Regnum Veg. 154.]
  • Turland N.J. 2012: Meine Aufgabe bei der Flora of China / My role on the Flora of China. Pp. 20-24 in: Lack H. W. & Grotz K. (ed.), Floras Schätze – Die Erfassung der Grünen Welt / Flora’s treasures – Recording the green world. – Berlin: Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem.
  • Turland N.J. 2011: The need for nomenclature for precise communication. Pp. 139-178 [Chapter 9] in: Stuessy T.F. & Lack H.W. (ed.), Monographic plant systematics: fundamental assessment of plant biodiversity. – Ruggell: A. R. G. Gantner. [Regnum Veg. 153.]
  • Turland N.J. 2010: Treatments of 53 taxa. In: Phitos D., Constantinidis T. & Kamari G. (ed.), The red data book of rare and threatened plants of Greece, 1 & 2. – Patras: Hellenic Botanical Society.
  • Bao B.J., Turland N.J. & Kenicer G. 2010: Fabeae. Pp. 560-577 in: Wu Z.Y., Raven P.H. & Hong D.Y. (ed.), Flora of China Volume 10 (Fabaceae). – Beijing: Science Press & St. Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden Press.
  • Xia N.H., Turland N.J. & Gadek P.A. 2007: Hippocastanaceae. Pp. 1-4 in: Wu Z.Y., Raven P.H. & Hong D.Y. (ed.), Flora of China Volume 12 (Hippocastanaceae through Theaceae). – Beijing: Science Press & St. Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden Press.
  • Chen J. [C.] & Turland N.J. 2007: Combretaceae. Pp. 309-320 in: Wu Z.Y., Raven P.H. & Hong D.Y. (ed.), Flora of China Volume 13 (Clusiaceae through Araliaceae). – Beijing: Science Press & St. Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden Press.
  • McNeill J., Barrie F.R., Burdet H.M., Demoulin V., Hawksworth D.L., Marhold K., Nicolson D.H., Prado J., Silva P.C., Skog J.E., Wiersema J.H. & Turland N.J. (ed.) 2006: International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (Vienna Code) adopted by the Seventeenth International Botanical Congress Vienna, Austria, July 2005. – Ruggell: A. R. G. Gantner. [Regnum Veg. 146.]
  • Turland N.J. & Fielding J. (authors); Mathew B. (ed.) 2005 (& reprinted 2008): Flowers of Crete. – Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens.
  • Greuter W., McNeill J., Barrie F.R., Burdet H.M., Demoulin V., Filgueiras T.S., Nicolson D.H., Silva P.C., Skog J.E., Trehane P., Turland N.J. & Hawksworth D.L. (ed.) 2000: International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (Saint Louis Code) adopted by the Sixteenth International Botanical Congress, St. Louis, Missouri, July-August 1999. – Königstein: Koeltz. [Regnum Veg. 138.]
  • Liang S.Y. & Turland N.J. 2000: Aletris Linnaeus. Pp. 77-82 in: Wu Z.Y. & Raven P.H. (ed.), Flora of China Volume 24  (Flagellariaceae through Marantaceae). – Beijing: Science Press & St. Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden Press.
  • Chilton L. & Turland N.J. 1997: Flora of Crete – a supplement. – Retford: Marengo.
  • Turland N.J., Raus T. & Kypriotakis Z. 1996 [“1995”]: Kriti; treatments of 25 taxa. Pp. xxxiv-xxxvii, 22-23, 56-57, 74-75, 84-85, 108-109, 158-159, 182-183, 190-191, 230-231, 240-241, 246-247, 306-307, 318-321, 356-357, 360-361, 376-377, 394-395, 398-399, 406-407, 432-433, 460-461, 494-495, 500-503 in: Phitos D., Strid A., Snogerup S. & Greuter W. (ed.), The red data book of rare and threatened plants of Greece. Athens: World Wide Fund for Nature.
  • Press J.R., Short M.J. & Turland N.J. (ed.) 1994: Flora of Madeira. – London: The Natural History Museum & HMSO.
  • Turland N.J., Chilton L. & Press J.R. 1993 (& 2nd impression 1995): Flora of the Cretan area: annotated checklist & atlas. – London: The Natural History Museum & HMSO.

Other publications